On The Present Times..

My heart goes out to the people who have got displaced or have suffered loss of life and/or property, in the recent season-change.. I have always been at the receiving end of much flak over my sensitivity and too much empathy, but how one is not supposed to be worried owing to the suffering of fellow-citizens, is my question.. I cringed at the first-ever glance at रैन-बसेरा, in Delhi, and I feel equally for the victims of Hit-And-Run accident involving a high-profile star in Mumbai.. I do not wish to imagine their plight, for that makes me cynical of the system and its (lack of) effectiveness.. As a former scribe, I have tried to put all my fellow-citizens, those who are law-abiding and in their right mind, on a level-footing, when I would write about them.. But, I am sorry to say, things are going from bad to worse.. And even though I don't do a field-job, or edit reporters' copies any longer, I still get perturbed as you just cannot escape aftermath of certain occupational-hazards, least of all, when you live in a "Third-world" country.. I don't wish to call out certain fellow-journalists, who put no effort into their reportage.. Having said that, I can say with conviction, we are getting there, slowly and steadily, where we can call ourselves evolved and truly progressed.. A lot needs to be put into perspective, observed in context, and remembered to gain higher ground in the real-deal of peace of mind, and to let go of the negativity and moral depravity surrounding our everyday problems.. Particularly, for women, things like better mobility, access to the very basic health-related items, and a feeling of being understood and empathised with, are still not a norm, and I find it appalling that how we are denying and robbing our half-population of fundamental right of respect, dignity and cooperation.. Women of the country would most definitely have to get their self-respect back, I always say.. The revolution starts, now.. With you, and your areas of concern.. Best Luck..

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