The Imaginary Life Boss' Genuinely Real Problem...

I am, in general, a pained person. I tend to overthink, don’t like nonsense, feel I’M too good to be fitting in, have a big (growing) List of pet peeves, absolutely detest many people and their ideas, find this world an unfair place, with totally lost-yet-driven population trying to subvert one another. Yeah. And I like myself. If not exactly love!

I tell my momm how I feel strongly about stuff ranging from food-delivery boys to Jeff Bezos of Amazon. I have an opinion on almost everything, I don’t mince words and am a judgmental woman. I cannot stand some people’s bull and give it right back! I find it hard to imagine why anybody would want to be bad..Like, we don’t need any negativity in this world, and I of course don’t want to be living just to earn a regular sum of money and not be hailed for it… So, in totality, it sucks to be where I am. I am always eating, and actually eat crappy stuff only to further worsen my body-image, and my expectations of a chocolate-only diet never materialise, because I live in a tier Three city where nobody has got it right (So far).

My angry young woman identity has been a subject of a lot of yelling, crying, and what not, lately. I hate to be labelled, but then, it’s fine as long as I don’t care. If I start to tell people what I think of them, my supposedly-rich vocabulary may fail, it is highly likely. How do you expect a 30-Years-old, well-informed and bitchy know-it-all, Indian girl to not go bonkers!? I mean, If I could help you or live according to your concepts of adult woman, or anybody for that matter, I would have helped myself first. But hey, I am not a nasty person and most believably, love our maid. She is great!

Then, there are my own , very much loved folks, who do give me the jitters for things like my “Unemployed” status and body odour, of course my taste in music that they can’t ever understand! I do a lot of crazy things. I am a girl with a mind of her own. So, there are problems in life. There are the quintessential asses. And they kick our asses, too! Only at times, though.. By the way, did I mention I have no plans to change? Hahah, I know. INCORRIGIBLE!!

Now, I am going to sleep. But just to keep the record straight, I have Hope. To eat better foods and need actual persons, some day. Dammit It isn’t a curious case. It’s my life. And you must know how not to anger me, trust you me ! If you do, great. Have a sucking Day!! Keep Calm and Be Awesome (like I am). Goodluck 😖

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