Music Of Today, Take My Thumbs-down..

O.K., at the risk of sounding a bit too critical, who among you agree that today's music and rap just objectify, portray in a desperate light, short-sell us women.. I mean, a tad of explicity and arousal is justified if you are in love, but why does man have to be a baddie and a cheapskate if he would want to really impress, please and woo a woman, expecting her to feel like a million bucks when you are just overdoing your idea of girl to be an object of lust.. "तुझे घर होना चाहिए, Barbie Doll के साथ,"? While this is hyperbole, the tendency to give women a demeaning treatment and to make them go nuts about you when you have no intention to catch them, is all-pervasive as per lyrics of today's songs.. As if we have got nothing else to do apart from seeking intimacy whenever and wherever we head out.. I object.. Think about what kind of impact such music when played in the presence or company of children & adolescents would have.. Incorrigible, Male-Chauvinist-Pig, highly irrespnsible mentality.. I don't know why, but there is something wrong with lyricists and music-composers of the day.. Do you get my views, and if you are nodding as well to my opinions, do you think we millennials were better off in listening to the renditions of 2000s.. Reply..

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