
I am worried-sick about the wellbeing of my unborn daughter, even as I try to restore my own sanity after watching news about the macabre killing of a girl by five inebriated people, who were driving with abandon in Delhi-NCR on that fateful night.. I remember an advert in which Superstar Shah Rukh Khan would voice his concern (along with a host of other persons) about bringing a child into this cruel, incorrigible world (this is before welcoming his third kid).. If my child lays his hands on the newspaper about such pieces of information, I bet even they would raise that question.. Why are we sht-scared about our children switching on the Television, and why can't we trust nobody ? Is misogyny and resultant false sense of entitlement incorrigible ? Are we at the mercy of drunkards who play music loud enough to not notice that a life is in mortal peril under their vehicle for kilometers on end ? How do we tell our children to feel secure and well-guarded, when they head out for a party on New Year's Eve ? I think, no quantum or nature of punishment can bring the dead girl to life, or help heal our wounded minds and hearts that are under so much duress, even as we peruse the news of that incident.. How does one graduate confidently from a smaller town to place like Delhi-NCR, without losing one's mind by the onslaught of repetitive atrocities meted out to women and how does one make sure to raise own standard of living and fulfil big aspirations, if one is not even sure to return home every freaking evening, without fear-psychosis or the feeling of being considered a lesser mortal, a gender that is endangered beyond our poor power to fathom ? I hope to know from you, how does one live with this feeling, which, simply put, makes us feel helpless, unheeded and devoid of hope and mental balance ? What can be the steps we can take that such incidents do not occur again ? I really wonder what exactly goes against women.. Are we meant to be toyed around, and disposed when the males are done deriving carnal plasures from us ? Where do we find solace ? As a mediaperson with work-experience as a Sub-Editor in the national capital, I am not expecting my fellow-journalists to keep calm and carry on,  and least of all, inform and opine about such incidents without a semblance of faith and confidence in the system ? What have we come to ? Please, let us share our views and feelings.. Even if it is tantamount to feeling like dirt.. What are we dong wrong, and are we doing the right things on daily-basis, so that we remain safe and sound, even as we turn paranoid and let our gen-next feel nondescript emotions ? Let me know for sure, I really wish to know what your stand is.. Thanks..

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