
Tomorrow, being International Day Of Social Justice, I request each one of you to define and determine 'Justice' in your own unique way.. Because, I.M.O., sentencing of convicts and not learning the relevant lessons from the gazillion offences, does not amount to justice or fairness.. Usually, we chuck our stupor after an atrocity has been meted out, and this is definitely grave Injustice.. We are, as a land of Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi, not supposed to revel in a horrendous criminal's hanging till death, because that would be a reaction, and not a pro-active step towards true social justice, so why pat our own backs when an offender is convicted and the quantum of punishment has been decided, and may be, the culprit has died as an accused in jail ? The wiser way to look at justice would be to not let ghastly crimes occur, if you can help it.. And, to raise our voice for the toothless laws and the unresponsive system to change, and to usher in a wave of mental balance, that can come by, if we work on the basic parameters of happiness, peace and success.. We are capable of decriminalizing and purging the society, if we see the events, that sent chill down the spine, of late, in its deserved and prudent perspective.. In short, let yourselves be the harbinger of social justice, as it always begins with self.. Justice is always a personal choice, and is not about the punity or culpability associated with it.. Take Care, all. Have a jolly good day..

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