On World English Language Day..

Wishing all a Happy English Language Day! Whether you like it or not, English and its nuances are a surefire way to achieve big, academically as well as professionally.. Give this subject/stream the due focus and time that it deserves.. Nothing quite like mastering the #1 global language, that is increasingly becoming the medium of instruction all over the world, besides giving great dividends in interpersonal and social spheres.. English, formal as well as colloquial, can be an empowering edge, no matter which stage of life you are at, and despite what you intend to pursue careerwise.. The U.S.A. citizens that I came across in my two visits sadly bore testimony to the fact that underestimating and being unbothered about learning mothertongue (of Americans, Europeans, etc.) can cause huge damage.. It isn't just about how high you can score in the Exams/Tests of English language, but about being able to articulate and convey what's on your mind, effectively and with confidence.. I say, if you have to get anywhere in life, you have to learn, know and master English.. Being a former scribe, a linguist, a writer at heart, and an admirer of the beauty of English language, I most humbly urge you all to promote the cause of achieving proficiency in English, envisioning the future of our gen-next.. English is all about ever-evolving and ever-illuminating ways of expression.. You don't have to be a genius to understand the importance and usefulness of the same.. Best Of Luck (B.O.L.)!

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